Genesis 3:22-24 Commentary

 Verses 22-24: Death was respited; but toil and trouble immediately came upon him, in his expulsion from this blessed abode. We have here,

1. God unbraiding his folly and sin, by a most piercing irony or mockery: he deserves to be put to shame, who dares to commit sin. Yet God’s design is not to sport with his misery, but to awaken him to repentance: if he covers him with confusion, it is to lead him to conversion.  Note, When a sinner comes to a discovery of his state, he as much upbraids his folly, as he laments his sin.

2. The reason of his expulsion; to prevent his eating of the tree of life; not that it now could profit him, but less he should flatter himself with hopes of living, and profane the sacramental seal, when he had broken the covenant it confirmed. (1.) Scandalous sinners and self-righteous formalists, should be excluded from the Lord’s table; they cannot but abuse it. What can the seal signify to those, who are strangers to the covenant of grace? (2.) Though this tree is now no more, blessed be God for a better: Jesus Christ is the Tree of Life, growing in the midst of the paradise of God, and whoever will, may freely come to him, and eat and live.

3. The manner; driven out: reluctant, no doubt, but go they must. They had forfeited God’s favor, and must bear the burden; yet not to leave these happy groves alone, or chiefly, grieved their hearts; it was here they met and enjoyed communion with their Maker: this is to lose, was bitterness indeed. Note, Spiritual death, the wages of sin, consists in the separation of the soul from God, and in this must we have continued for ever unless the Lord Jesus had come to restore us to the lost favor of, and communion with, God.

4. The guard he placed at the garden. They might have attempted to return, but the attempt is rendered impracticable. The cherubims, the executioners of God’s wrath, wave the sword, the mark of God’s displeasure: though it consume them not, utterly, they may behold their just desert, and tremble. Note, The way to the tree of life is for ever barred to fallen-man: the covenant of works is broken; none can say any more I am pure from my sin; and the case is irreparable; no place is found for repentance: one sin only can never be undone by any human power, or paid for by any human suffering. The terrible sword of judgment is drawn; the sinful soul must die; till we learn to despair ourselves, there is no hope for us; for then, and only then, we shall be led to lay hold of that covenant of grace, established in the Redeemer’s blood and righteousness, and calculated to save the lost and the desperate.



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