Genesis 3:13 Commentary


Verses 12-13. Adam could never deny nor excuse his transgression of his Creator’s most express mandates; yet, instead of frankly confessing it, he cast the blame upon the woman, as if he had been allowed to hearken to her rather than to obey God! Nay, he covertly charged the blame upon the Lord Himself, saying, “The woman whom THOU gavest me.” Here we discern the pride, stubbornness, and stoutness of heart, which characterize that evil spirit, who had just set up his kingdom in Adam’s heart. The woman likewise discovered the same spirit, in her vain attempted to exculpate herself, by throwing the blame upon the serpent.


Verse 13: As Adam accused his wife, she casts it upon the serpent: He beguiled me; a weak excuse. Is the beast wiser than man, or was he to be believed sooner than his Maker? How credulous are we! when Satan is the teacher, any fallacy will pass for an argument. How infidel! Where God himself hath spoken, there is nothing then, but carnal reason will question it.  Note, Seek for shelter where we will, we shall be found without covering at last. Let the tempter have whatever share in it, the deed will prove our own: nay, to have don it at the instigation of the devil, will be our crime, instead of our excuse.


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