Genesis 3:21 Commentary


Verse 21.  Coats of skins. Some conclude from this circumstance, that a considerable time had elapsed between the creation and the fall, and that the animals had already begun to increase, or none could have been scared to be slain. But this is mere conjecture, as are all other opinions on the subject on which it has not pleased God to gratify our curiosity. It is extremely probable, that some beasts, sacrificed by divine appointment, furnished the skins with which Adam and Eve were clothed: for, as they certainly had never slain any animals before the fall, and as we have no reason to suppose that any had died of themselves, it is hard to conceive in what other way these skins could be procured. Innocent animals, slain in sacrifice, furnishing garments to fallen Adam and Eve, would very aptly typify the promised Seed, who suffered for our sins that we might stand accepted before God in His righteousness. And the circumstance of the Lord God making these coats of skins, and clothing them, not only intimates the kind instruction and assistance which He afforded them, in accommodating themselves to their present situation; but represents to us, that the Saviour and salvation are of His providing; and that faith, which receives and puts on Christ, is His gift, and must be sought and received from Him.


Verse 21: An instance this that he still cared for them, and hand not, as the deserved, though highly offended, utterly cast them off. They wanted clothes now to hide their shame, but who shall provide them, or whence? Behold the provision, and learn instruction from it. 1. To be proud of our dress, is to value the badges of our guilt; our clothes are our shame, and it is twice our shame to be proud of them too. 2. Use, not finery, was here consulted. Let the poor be thankful they are better clad than their father: and let the rich remember needless and expensive ornaments ill befit a sinful body, and a fallen sinner. But above all, 3. the significancy of these costs of skins. In the dying beasts they beheld their death; and not to overwhelm them with sorrow, they saw in the desert  of sin, the sacrifice for sin: the blood that was shed taught them the atonement which the Lamb of God on their behalf should make: and the skins which covered their bodies, represented that spotless robe or righteousness which should prevent the shame of their spiritual nakedness from appearing: to conceal which, all they could do for themselves was as vain, as the fig-leaf aprons they wore. They whom the Lord Jesus Christ clothes, shall not be found naked.


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