Genesis 1:8 Commentary

Genesis 1:8 Commentary

Ge 1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Verse 8: The name given the firmament,  Heaven. The visible heaven, the outer court of this great temple, we behold; the region of air and clouds and meteors around us, and the yet more distant scene gilded with the sun, and all those stars that glitter in their several spheres; but above these heavens a third appears, where God is said to fix his radiant throne, and where immortal spirits dwell: not that heaven, or heaven of heavens can contain him, whose immensity can no more be circumscribed by his creation, than his eternity can be measured by the successions of time. With heaven in our eye, can we continue to grovel on earth? Is there our Father’s house, and this his glorious abode, and shall not our souls aspire after him, and long to be with him, to pass the threshold of his dwelling-place, and to be admitted into his immediate vision? The Second day: Time now began to measure its regular periods, and what a work each day produces! Happy, could we, as these swift hours pass by, be able to say at every closing day, I have finished the work he hath given me to do.

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