Genesis 3:12 Commentary

 Verse 12: When they cannot deny, they still would palliate; they had eaten, it is true, but they would transfer the load of guilt from one to the other. We are apt imitators of this bad example; just so much of our sins as are known, we confess; but we would fain seek excuse, and extenuate what we cannot conceal. Adam is the first to be addressed: he is the head, and therefore from him, most is to be expected. He accuses his wife, and that in such a way as tacitly lays the blame on God, Thou gavest her: I hoped for a help-meet, and found a tempter. Observe, 

1. How often doth man lay sin at God’s door, and how impious, as well as ungrateful the charge! Why, says one, did God give me passions, if I may not gratify them? Why did he give me the world to be made a snare to me? Alas! men will not see that God meant a blessing; the curse is our abuse of it. 

2. No connections, relations, entreaty, or influence; will excuse us in the day of judgment, for acting contrary to God’s will. If the wife of our bosom entice us, or the friend of our heart persuade us, we should say, Get thee behind me, Satan.


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