Genesis 2:20, 21, 23 commentary


Verses 21-23. Adam being supernaturally cast into a deep sleep, without consciousness or pain, the Lord took from that part of his body which was near the heart, the substance of which he formed the woman; who was to be as part of himself, and the object of his most cherished affections. She was taken from  him, and not out of the ground; that there might be a natural foundation of moderate subordination on the woman’s part, and sympathizing tenderness on the man’s; as a man rules over, yet, in ruling over, carefully defends and tenderly takes care of, his own body. The Lord then conducted her as His gift to Adam, that they might be united in marriage for their mutual good; and that He might thus authorize, and give an example for the regulation of, future marriages. Doubtless, He made known to Adam, perhaps during his sleep, in what manner the woman had been created from a part of himself, to be his companion.—The original word translated woman, is the same as is rendered man, excepting the feminine termination womb-man. It imports that she was exactly his counterpart, taken from him, united to him, and like him in every thing but sex; and it expressed his satisfaction in his Creator’s gift, and his thankful acceptance of it.


Verses 20-23: All the creatures had their fellows, besides man himself. God knew his wants, and prevents his wishes. This transaction had passed on the sixth day, as observed in the last chapter: The manner of it is recited in this.

1. Man was first formed. He hath in all things the priority and pre-eminence; nor was he made for the woman, but the woman for the man.  Note, They have read their Bible to little purpose, who have not learned to reverence and obey their husbands. 2. The woman was made of a rib of Adam, while he slept; not from his head, to usurp authority over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon; but of his side, to be regarded as next to himself; under his arm, to be protected; and near his heart, to be beloved by him. Behold a type of the second Adam. Thus Jesus slept the deep sleep of death upon the cross; and from his wounded side, poured out the blood, which purchased his spouse the church. 3. The work was of God. He caused the sleep, and opened the side and closed it up again. It had been a painful operation when waking; but now the pain is neither felt, nor the rib wounded. Note, When God is pleased to cause the believer’s soul to rest wholly in him, he can keep their minds in sweet composure, under the severest afflictions, and cause their greatest losses to become their most lasting gain. 4. God brings her to the man. As he had provided for his comfort, he presents her as his wife. That wife that is of God’s making by special grace, and of God’s bringing by special providence, is likely to prove a help meet for a man. 5. Her affectionate reception. This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. Note, The husband must regard his wife as his own flesh, and nourish and cherish her with the most tender endearment. 6. The name given her, woman. In token, not only of her subjection, but of her nearness to himself; though differing in sex, the same in nature.

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