Genesis 2:19 commentary


Verses 19-20. Adam seems to have been vastly better acquainted, by intuition or immediate revelation, with the distinct properties of every creature, than the most sagacious observers, since the fall, have been by study. When, therefore, God brought the several species before him, he gave them names expressive of their distinct natures or exterior forms. This was also a token of his dominion over them.—Yet, upon this review, not one was found in outward form his counterpart (as the animals were created male and female); nor one suited to engage his affections, participate his enjoyments, or associate with him in the worship of God.


Verse 19: Adam had before received the grant, now he is called to exercise authority. The creatures pass in review before him to pay their homage, and receive their several names; and thereby afford a proof of his wisdom, as well as their subjection.  Note, A good king should be the father of his subjects; to exercise cruelty on the brute creation, is to turn tyrants instead of lords over it. He that committed them to us, expects that we treat them with lenity and kindness.

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