Genesis 1:9 Commentary

Genesis 1:9 Commentary

Ge 1:9 ¶ And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. 

Verses 9-10: The separation of the superior from the inferior world being perfected, the third day opens with the formation of this earth into beauty and order, from its state of confusion. 1. The waters are collected into proper receptacles, which he called Seas, or the Great Sea; for though diffused and distant the parts, they are one great whole. All the rivers, which run into the seas, do first derive their source from thence. The action of the sun rising up the waters, as fire in an alembic, the clouds return it in dew, or showers; and these collecting form the streams, which thus alternately come from, and return to the storehouse of the great deep.

2. The waters being drawn off, the earth acquires its necessary solidity, and the dry land appears. Lord, if thou speak the word, I shall emerge from the floods of sin, and stand forth from amidst the deep waters which run over me, to tell thy power and praise.

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