Genesis 1:11-13 Commentary

Verses 11-13: The earth thus prepared is now filled with vegetative life, for present use, and for perpetuity too, each of the various and innumerable species of trees, plants, and flowers, bearing seed in itself. Wondrous provision! What a gracious God have we, who openeth his hand thus, and filleth all things living with plenteousness! How ungrateful is man, who so seldom, or so coldly, remembers, that these are thy gifts, O God! Learn hence,

1. That as all things are from God, they should be employed for him. We are but stewards, he the great proprietor; the more he bestows, the more obliged are we, and bound in duty and gratitude to love and honor him in his mercies.

2. The command once given still operates; the earth continues its productions in regular succession, and every returning spring and summer a new creation rises. We should do well always to look beyond second causes; the more we see of God in the productions of the earth, the more shall we value them.

3. God’s creatures are all good, the corn, the wine, and the oil, have received a blessing from God. Shall we turn then these blessings into a curse by our abuse of them, through intemperance, or idolatrous attachment of our hearts to them? God forbid.

4. Every day has it work of mercy and grace, severally to attract our notice, and awaken our gratitude. Let it be remembered always, that he who once began, worketh still, nor does a day pass over us, but some work of providence or grace marks it with a note of observation.

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