Genesis 1:6-7 Commentary


genesis 1:6-7

(6) And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.  (7) And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. (Genesis 1:6-7)

Verses 6-7: God proceeds in his stupendous work.

1. Having made the light, a proper medium is now provided, through which its rays may pass; the firmament, or expanse, that vast immensity of space, in which the celestial bodies move, in which this habitable globe appears as little, when viewed amidst the surrounding creation, as the mote which plays in the sun-beam compared with that great luminary.  Note, Though this firmament is stretched over us, the way is open to the throne of God, and faith can even here enter within the vail, and prayer hath wings that mount beyond the skies; and when, in the judgment-day, the heavens shall be wrapped together as a scroll, we shall, without covering, see the glories now concealed; and face to face behold him, who made all these things.

2. The design of this firmament, to divide the waters from the waters. There are waters beneath the firmament that cover the great deep, and rivers which run among the valleys; and there are waters above the firmament, in clouds that drop down fatness, and in treasure houses reserved for purposes of judgment. We have seen, when God opened the windows of heaven, and swept away a world of ungodly. O what a great God is he who hath thus provided for the comfort of all that serve him, and the confusion of all that hate him. It is good having him our friend, and bad having him our enemy.

3. The instant accomplishment of the divine will, it was so. What God wills, he works. Lord, what thy all-powerful word enjoins, let thy almighty grace effect, and then shall I be such as though wouldst have me be.

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