Genesis 1:4 Commentary

genesis 1:4

 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. (Genesis 1:4)

Verse 4: It was such as God designed, excellent in uses, and beautiful in itself. How little are common mercies noticed? Who thinks of the blessing of light? Though without it, creation would be blank, and earth a dungeon. Though light appears, darkness has still its use; it is not destroyed: the vicissitude is as grateful as necessary in this mortal state. The beams of the morning are not more pleasing to the opening eye, than the shadows of the night to the closing eye-lids. The present is a changing state, where night and day are successive: Let the soul who mourns in darkness be comforted, the day is at hand; and let him, on whose head the candle of the Lord shines brightest, not be too confident, the day if joy hath some dark clouds: blessed be God for this reviving hope; that the hour approaches when our sun shall nor more go down. It is among the glories of heaven, that there is no night there.

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