Genesis 1:3 Commentary

genesis 1:3

Verse 3: Light is the first-born of creation, and brightest image of its Creator, who is called the Father of Lights and in whom is no darkness at all. Whenever we enjoy the beams of day, our minds should be led up to him, who dwelleth in the light, which no man can approach unto. But he must bestow the internal as well as the external blessings else in the blaze of noon; we must grope for the wall as blind, nor can by searching find out God. Lighten our darkness then, we beseech thee, O Lord!G

He wills, and straight starts into being the exact form of the divine idea. By the same power of his effectual word, he saith to the soul, Let there be light; and instant a new creation rises to the view; the soul emerges from the deeps of ignorance and sin: the true light shineth; the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ appears; the heart is drawn by ties of irresistible conviction, and begins to walk in the light, as he is in the light: happy that soul who by experience can say, I was once darkness, but now am light in the Lord! But forget not the exhortation, which follows, Walk as children of the light.

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