Genesis 5:1-2 Commentary


Verses 1-2. This chapter is a brief history of the posterity of Adam, in that line from which all the human race since the flood is descended, and of them alone; for the immense numbers which sprang from the other braches of the families, in each generation, are barely mentioned. The former chapters seem also referred to, as the authentic records of the original of the world, and of the human race.—Adam was the name, not only of the first man, but also of the species: it is supposed to have been derived from the  red colour of the earth out of which his body was formed.


Genesis Chapter 5. - Before Christ, 4004-2948

 This chapter is the only authentic history extant of the first age of the world, from the creation to the flood. It contains an account of the descendants of Seth to Noah, and is preserved, and from these continued down to Christ, Lu 3:36, who was the seed of the woman, that was promised. We have here an account, 1. Concerning Adam, ver. 1-5. 2. Seth, ver. 6-8. 3. Enos, ver. 9-11. 4. Cainan, ver. 12-14. 5. Mahaleel, ver, 15-17. 6. Jared, ver. 18-20. 7. Enoch, ver. 21-24. 8. Methuselah, ver. 25-27. 9. Lamech and his son Noah, ver. 28. ad finem. All scripture being given by inspiration of God, is profitable, though not all alike profitable.

Verses 1-2: We have a recital here of what was largely treated of before. ‘Tis useful that man should often be reminded of his Maker, for he is strangely apt to forget him. We have here, 1. His name; this was not so expressly mentioned before; it signifies red earth, to point him to his original, and signify his subjection; and both have one name, for they have one nature, and by marriage are one flesh; let the man love his wife then, even as himself. 2. His generations. His own and his posterity’s; the only valuable genealogy is this: to know, not from whom we come, but from whom Christ came. The greatest man living is but the son of the dust; of the earth, earthy; the only noble extraction is to be related to the Lord from heaven.


Genesis 5:28-32 Commentary 
Genesis 5:25, 26, 27 Commentary
Genesis 5:29 Commentary
Genesis 5:21-24 Commentary
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Genesis 5:1-2 Commentary


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