Genesis 4:25-26 Commentary


Verse 25. Perhaps Eve had some intimation, that this son was to be the progenitor of the promised Seed. The mention of Abel, in this connexion, was an indication of her piety, as valuing pious Abel above all her children.


Verses 25-26: Great, no doubt, was Adam’s grief for his lost Abel, and greater for his rebellious Cain; but he shall not have all sorrow, and no comfort. God will, in some sort, make up the breach; though he shall have enough to awaken the remembrance of his sin and his sorrow, he shall not be left utterly destitute. 1. God gives him another son, to be the establishment of his family, and in whose house the worship of God will should be perpetuated in the room of Abel. God will never want a holy seed. Though the church be never so persecuted,  sanguis martyrum semen ecclesia: there shall still be a generation to serve him. 2. The name given him; Seth, placed or settled: and another seed, typifying that emphatical seed the Messiah; who should be placed as an ensign on a hill, and to whom should the gathering of the people be. 3. The farther increase of his family in Seth’s son, Enos, or miserable; so called, to remind us that the best of men are but miserable sinners. And now, in their seed’s seed, the beheld a comfortable prospect of the perpetuity of the true religion. For, 4. They were distinguished for their regard to God’s name and worship: they were of a different character from the irreligious offspring of Cain; they continued in prayer and public sacrifices: no doubt Adam’s children had done so from the beginning, but they now began to be more marked for it. The more the wickedness of men appears, the more should the people of God be quickened: 
‘tis high time to be zealous for God’s glory, when iniquity abounds: The margin reads, They began to be called by the name of the Lord. Perhaps a name of reproach given by the wicked sons of Cain; the godly, the precise. The people of God ever bore his name; a name of infamy on the earth, but a name of honor in heaven; the sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty.


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