Genesis 4:15 Commentary


Verse 15: We have here God’s protection of Cain, and the mark set upon him. First, to confirm the sentence passed upon him, he is not to be executed, lest he be forgotten, but lives a standing monument of God’s vengeance against sin. We need not wonder that God does not immediately cut off daring and presumptuous sinners: he has wise ends to answer in them. Secondly, the mark was to point him out; not more to save him harmless, than to brand him infamous. This is the murderer! The mark of sin is upon every guilty soul: though secret now, the day is near when the brand of the beast will appear in the forehead, and the impenitent sinner be pointed out as the object of scorn and abhorrence to saints and angels; and be doomed to live for ever as an outcast from God, with devils in hell.


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