Genesis 3:9-10 commentary


Verse 9.  Where art thou? Words of more terror, perhaps, never sounded in man’s ears, or shall be heard till the day of judgment!—The command had been peremptory, the threatening absolute, the transgression undeniable; no escape or resistance was practicable; no mention had been made of mercy, and probably the offenders had no expectation of forgiveness.


Verses 9-10: The voice was heard before with dread, how much more the summons! We have, (1.) God’s call. Where art thou? It was the call of judgments; prepare to meet thy God.  Note, Willing or unwilling, the voice of the trumpet must shortly summon us to his tremendous bar; happy for the soul who can say with confidence of gracious acceptance, Here am I. (2.) It was a voice of conviction. I know the iniquity; it is in vain to flee. –It is a great mercy when God finds out the sinner in this world with his awakening calls, for there is then hope of repentance and return. (3.) It was a voice of mercy, inviting him to return. Note, The great inducement to the soul to come forth from the thicket of sin, is that there is pardon to be obtained. Had we no hope of this, we should be desperate indeed. 2. Adam’s reply. A confession of his shame, and therein of his sin, and this with just apprehensions of his deserved doom. Observe, 1. Whence all our fears proceed. Sin makes the soul afraid to meet the face of God; sin arms death with its poisoned sting; sin kindles up the flames of hell; every pang of conscience, every apprehension of danger, every afflictive dispensation; all derive their origin from hence. 2. That there is no approaching God with comfort, in the nakedness of our fallen nature; blessed be his name, he hath provided for us garments, that the shame of our nakedness may be covered. The righteousness of Jesus, the second Adam, can hide every transgression, and we need not then any longer fear to stand in the presence of the most holy God; for therein arrayed, we shall be found without spot or blemish.


Genesis 3:1 Commentary
Genesis 3:2-3 commentary
Genesis 3:4-5 commentary
Genesis 3:4-5 commentary
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Genesis 3:7 commentary
Genesis 3:8 commentary


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