Genesis 3:2-3 commentary


Verses 2-3. The first mistake of the woman seems to have consisted, in attempting to answer the ensnaring question proposed to her. She ought not to have listened for a moment to such suggestions, nor to have entered into a parley with one, whose words directly tended to excite hard thoughts of God and of his express command. She mentioned the grant of the bountiful Creator, but not in the expressive language in which it had been made; “Of  every tree in the garden thou mayest freely eat;” and she added to the restriction, “neither shall ye touch it.” This is, indeed, an excellent precaution; we should not come within the attractive force of forbidden objects; yet it seems, as here used, to be an intimation of severity in the prohibition. The Lord had said, “In the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die:” but the undoubted certainty of the event is here omitted. Indeed, it is evident that the poison began to work; Even made too little of the liberal grant of the Creator, stated the prohibition in strong terms of severity, and rather faltered as to the certain and immediate execution of the threatening.


Verses 2-3: These verses contain her answer to the question of the tempter. It was plain and full. She was not ignorant of the command; nay, rather adds to it: they must not only not eat, but not touch it.  Note, Tis ever bad meddling with edged tools. Nor was the threatening concealed, though here she hesitates, and rather diminishes its awful import.

Observe, 1. How inexcusable she was; she fully knew the will of God. Sin against light and knowledge hath peculiar aggravation. 2. Her weakness to discourse about a point to dangerous; the very mention should have awakened suspicion, and bid her fly. Temptations have more than half prevailed when can get a hearing. To parley is the prelude to submission.


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