Genesis 1:22-23 Commentary

 Ge 1:22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

Verses 22-23: Not only their being, the continuance of it, is provided for. Life is a fleeting thing; succession is needful. God hath commanded it shall be, and, in virtue of his blessing, the heavens are covered with fowl, and the fish replenish the waters; and all for the use of man. Oh that he were wise, that he knew the bountiful giver! The fisher who casts the bait into the brook, and the fowler, who seeks to the wood, should remember ever, that these are God’s creatures, given for our good, and therefore to be received and sought with thankfulness to him. When any amusement leads us from God, instead of to him, however innocent in itself, it becomes ruinous to us. As the days advance, still something more excellent than the former is produced. It will be well with us when the like progress appears, and today is one step nearer perfection than yesterday.

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